Girls' Generation embarked on their fourth tour Phantasia at the Olympic Gymnastics Arena in Seoul on November 21 and 22, 2015. Composed of different distinct themes, the concert fully exhibited the girls' unique characters. Apart from hit songs, the group also performed the songs from their fifth album Lion Heart. The live release also features the concert's making video. Nakasone Rino, who has worked with superstars like Britney Spears and Justin Bieber, served as the show's choreographer.
소녀시대 - Girls' Generation 4th Tour [PHANTASIA] in SEOUL DVD (Korean)
- Release 31st May 2017
- Korean
- Subtitles : English/Korean/Chinese Simplified
- 2DVD (All zone / 166 mn)
- Postcards booklet
- Packaging 14 x 19 x 2 cm
01. Intro
02. You Think
03. 願いを言ってみて(Genie)
04. 予感(Bump It)
05. Show Girls
06. Opening Ment
07. どんな午後(One Afternoon)
09 Kissing You
10. Ment
11. Green Light
12. Paradise
13. アドレナリン(Adrenaline)_Girls Generation-TTS
14. Lion Heart
15. Check
16. Gee
17. Mr.Mr.
18. Sign
19. Run Devil Run
20. Mr.Taxi(Korean Ver.)
21. Catch Me If You Can
22. Fire Alarm
23. The Boys
24. Ment
25. また出会った世界(Into The New World)
26. 初雪に...(Snowy Wish) 27. Diamond
28. Closing Ment
30. PARTY(Winter Ver.)