[THE POWER OF MUSIC] The EXOs are deploying their super powers for the sequel to The War and the release of their 4th repackage album The Power of Music. With 12 tracks in total covering the 9 tracks of The War, the new album includes 3 new songs: Sweet Lies, Boomerang and POWER.
엑소 (EXO) - 정규 4집 리패키지 / THE WAR: The Power of Music
- Released 6th September 2017 in Korea (Repress* in limited edition scheduled for the. end of March 2021)
- Korean language
- CD + CD cover version KOREAN
- 1 folded book version KOREAN (33.4 x 48.2 cm)
- 1 Graphic Novel Comics version KOREAN (16.8 x 24.1 cm)
- 16 character cards (12.1 x 16.8 cm)
- 4 double cards (16.8 x 24.1 cm)
- 1 group card (16.8 x 24.1 cm)
- 1 photocard (random among 16 / 5.5 x 8.5 cm)
- Packaging 18.1 x 25.5 x 2 cm
*The content of the reissues remains to be confirmed: it may be different from the 1st press version.
01. 전야 (前夜) (The Eve)
02. Power
03. Sweet Lies
04. Ko Ko Bop
05. What U do?
06. Forever
07. 부메랑 (Boomerang)
08. 다이아몬드 (Diamond)
09. 너의 손짓 (Touch It)
10. 소름 (Chill)
11. 기억을 걷는 밤 (Walk On Memories)
12. 내가 미쳐 (Going Crazy)