BTOB kick-starts the summer season with their 11th mini-album This Is Us. Hyun Sik is the primary songwriter of the album's title song, while Il Hoon serves as the composer of the pre-release track The Feeling with lyrics by Peniel and Min Hyuk.
비투비 (BTOB) - THIS IS US (11th Mini Album)
- Sortie le 19 juin 2018
- Langue coréen
- CD + CD cover version SEE / FEEL
- Photobook version SEE / FEEL (84 pages / 17 x 22 cm)
- 3 cartes postales (17.7 x 22.7 cm / aléatoires parmi 32 modèles)
- 1 photo carte (5.2 x 8.6 cm / aléatoire parmi 28 modèles)
- 1 marque-page (5 x 15 cm /aléatoire parmi 7 modèles)
- 1 ticket event (aléatoire parmi 2 modèles / valable uniquement en Corée)
- Packaging 17.8 x 22.7 cm
- Available in 2 versions : see/feel
01. Call me
02. 너 없인 안 된다
03. Yeah
04. Blue Moon
05. IceBreaker
06. 1, 2, 3
07. The Feeling