[WAKE UP: ROLL THE WORLD] Get ready to wake up because D1CE (The Once), the new band from Happyface Entertainment (Dreamcatcher), is about to roll the dice of fate. Jinyoung, Woodam, Hyunsoo, Yoojun and Yonggeun start with a first mini album not due to chance but to the power of talent!
디원스 (D1CE) - Wake up : Roll the World
- Released 6th August 2019 in Korea
- Korean
- CD + CD cover version BLACK / WHITE
- Photobook version BLACK / WHITE (80 pages / 15 x 21 cm)
- 3 photocards (random among 20)
- 1 postcard (random among 5)
- 1 mini standing photo (random among 5)
- Packaging 15 x 21 cm
01.Intro : Roll the World
02. 깨워 (Wake up)
03. dot
04. 놀라워
05. Hands up
06. U R