Following the fairy tale-inspired debut The Little Mermaid, Gugudan plays on the theme of Narcissus from Greek mythology for their second act. The title song A Girl Like Me owes its inspiration from the story of a beautiful youth who falls in love with his own reflection in a pool and finally turns into a narcissus flower.
구구단 (gugudan) - Act.2 Narcissus (2nd Mini Album)
- Release 28th February 2017
- Korean
- CD + Photobook (64 pages)
- 1 photocard type A (random among 9)
- 1 photocard type B (random among 9)
- Packaging 16 x 16 cm
01. Rainbow
02. 나같은애 (A Girl Like Me)
03. 미워지려 해
04. 거리
05. 소원 들어주기
06. 나같은애 (A Girl Like Me) (Inst.)