[1ST DESIRE: GREED] Get ready for Kim Woo Seok's debut with the release of his debut solo album GREED. Galvanized by the support of the public after the X1 adventure, the singer member of UP10TON invites us to the top of the stairs for a new conquest... You.
Kim Woo Seok - 1st Desire - Greed
- Released 26th May 2020 in Korea
- Korean
- CD + CD cover version S / W /K
- Photobook version S / W / K (88 pages / 15 x 21 cm)
- 1 photocard version S / W / K (5.5 x 8.5 cm / random among 15)
- 1 folded Poster version S / W / K (random among 6)
- 1 Film Photo version S/ W / K (7 x 7 cm)
- 1 Sticker version S / W / K (10 x 15 cm)
- 1 Poster version S/ W / K (52 x 76 cm)
- Packaging 16 x 22.5 cm