A collaboration between Starship Entertainment (Sistar, Boyfriend) and Yuehua Entertainment (UNIQ, Han Geng), the Cosmic Girls make their debut with their first mini album. The Chinese-Korean formation and its 12 members present 6 tracks including the singles Mo Mo Mo and Catch Me.
우주소녀 (WJSN) - WOULD YOU LIKE? (1st Mini Album)
- Released 26th February 2016
- Korean
- CD + Photobook
- 1 photocard (random among 13)
01. Space Cowgirl
02. Mo Mo Mo
03. Catch Me
04. Tick-Tock
05. Take My Breath
06. Mo Mo Mo(Chinese Version)
02. Mo Mo Mo
03. Catch Me
04. Tick-Tock
05. Take My Breath
06. Mo Mo Mo(Chinese Version)