[DYE] After having made their mark with Call My Name, the GOT7 are ready to strike again by unveiling their new mini album DYE. An album close to a work of art that is likely to satisfy all the band's fans with its soft and dark atmosphere.
- Released 21st April 2020 in Korea
- Korean
- CD + CD cover version A / B / C / D / E
- Photobook version A / B / C / D /E (80 pages / 15 x 21 cm)
- Mirror Card (7 x 10 cm, 1 random among 7)
- Bookmark (5 x 15 cm, 1 random among 7)
- 2 photocards (5.5 x 8.5 cm / 2 random among 49)
- Package 15 x 21 cm