Soundtrack of the drama Mystic Pop-up Bar aired on JTBC and Netflix with Hwang Jung Eum (She Was Pretty, Kill Me Heal Me), Yook Sung Jae (Goblin), Choi Won Young (Sky Castle) and Sungjae (BTOB). Find all the music and songs from the South Korean TV series in a lovely special edition.
쌍갑포차 O.S.T - JTBC 수목드라마
- Released on the 6th July 2020 in Korea
- Korean
- CD + Photobook (52 pages / 18 x 27 cm)
- 3 photocards set (5.5 x 8.5 cm)
- 1 stickers set (12 x 16 cm)
- Package (19 x 28 cm)
01. 정진우 - Dive
02. 육성재 - 사랑은 추억을 닮아서
03. 벤 - I'll Be
04. 조현아 - 우리가 함께했던 날들
05. DMEANOR(디미너) - 내일에 바래다줄게
06. 이승과 저승사이
07. 그때 그 어느날
08. Dream Adventure
09. 월주 나가신다
10. 초월
11. 그승 운동회
12. 엄마 나의 엄마
13. Sneak In
14. Horror Mart
15. 있는 그대로
16. I Will Watch Over You
17. Into the Dream
18. 저승벅스