Normal Edition
[KEY 1: MIROH] Rookie of the Year last year, Stray Kids is moving up a gear. After MIXTAPE and the I AM trilogy, the young group from JYP Entertainment celebrates its first anniversary with the release of the mini album MIROH, thus starting their new cycle entitled CLÉ.
스트레이 키즈 (Stray Kids) - STRAY KIDS - Clé 1 : MIROH (Mini Album)
- Released 28th March 2019
- Korean
- CD + CD cover version CLÉ / MIROH
- Photobook version CLÉ / MIROH (18 x 25 cm / + special cover random among 9)
- 3 photocards QR code (5.5 x 8.5 cm / random among 45)
- Package 18 x 25.5 cm
01. Entrance
02. MIROH (타이틀)
03. 승전가
04. 잠깐의 고요
05. Boxer
06. Chronosaurus
07. 19
08. Mixtape#4 (CD ONLY)